API Docs for: 0.3.0

File: modules/Event/KeyboardInput.js

 * @module Event
 * @namespace Event

var TW = TW || {};
define(['./EventProvider', '../Utils/inherit', '../Utils/Polyfills'], function(EventProvider, inherit) {

	TW.Event = TW.Event || {};

	 * EventProvider using the keyboard.
	 * Each event represent a key. each key has two _states: `KEY_PRESSED` or `KEY_RELEASED`
	 * ## List of keys:
	 * - KEY_A
	 * - KEY_B
	 * - KEY_C
	 * - KEY_D
	 * - KEY_E
	 * - KEY_F
	 * - KEY_G
	 * - KEY_H
	 * - KEY_I
	 * - KEY_J
	 * - KEY_K
	 * - KEY_L
	 * - KEY_M
	 * - KEY_N
	 * - KEY_O
	 * - KEY_P
	 * - KEY_Q
	 * - KEY_R
	 * - KEY_S
	 * - KEY_T
	 * - KEY_U
	 * - KEY_V
	 * - KEY_W
	 * - KEY_X
	 * - KEY_Y
	 * - KEY_Z
	 * - KEY_0
	 * - KEY_1
	 * - KEY_2
	 * - KEY_3
	 * - KEY_4
	 * - KEY_5
	 * - KEY_6
	 * - KEY_7
	 * - KEY_8
	 * - KEY_9
	 * - KEY_F1
	 * - KEY_F2
	 * - KEY_F3
	 * - KEY_F4
	 * - KEY_F5
	 * - KEY_F6
	 * - KEY_F7
	 * - KEY_F8
	 * - KEY_F9
	 * - KEY_F10
	 * - KEY_F11
	 * - KEY_F12
	 * - KEY_TAB
	 * - KEY_ALT
	 * - KEY_ESC
	 * - KEY_END
	 * - KEY_HOME
	 * - KEY_LEFT
	 * - KEY_UP
	 * - KEY_DOWN
	 * <span>
	 * __Note:__
	 * This class use the `keyCode` attribute from KeyboardEvent object.
	 * The code list of [current W3C standard](http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20071221/keyset.html)
	 * is not implemented and there is differences between each browser.<br />
	 * The [next W3C standard](http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#keys-keyvalues)
	 * should improve compatibility.<br />
	 * __Currently, using Numeric key (from Keypad or not) with the Shift,
	 * CapsLock or NumLock keys is not possible.__<br />
	 * __Use exotic keys are strongly discouraged.__<br />
	 * <br />
	 * For example, using Chrome 22.0.1229.94 (under Linux) with a fr keyboard, key `&` (key `1` without `Shift`)
	 * are equally to key `7`.
	 * For more information about compatibility,[this document](http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html) provide
	 * a good summary of the situation.
	 * Usage of arrows keys, and usage of controls keys with alphabetic characters are supported.
	 * @example
	 *      var keyboard = new KeyboardInput();
	 *      keyboard.addListener("KEY_SPACE", KeyboardInput.KEY_PRESSED, function(event, value, provider) {
     *          if (provider.getState("KEY_CTRL") === KeyboardInput.KEY_PRESSED) {
     *              //CTRL+space is pressed !
     *          }
     *      });
	 * @class KeyboardInput
	 * @extends Event.EventProvider
	 * @param {HTMLElement} [target]      element to listen keypressed and keyup. default to `window.document`
	 * @constructor
	function KeyboardInput(target) {
		var i, len;


		if (target === undefined) {
			target = window.document;

		this._states = [];

		//from KEY_A to KEY_Z
		for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
			this._states.push('KEY_' + String.fromCharCode('A'.charCodeAt(0) + i));      // charCode MAJ
		//from KEY_F1 to KEY_F12
		for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
			this._states.push('KEY_F' + String.fromCharCode('1'.charCodeAt(0) + i)); //      112
		// KEY_0 to KEY_9
		for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
			this._states.push('KEY_' + String.fromCharCode('0'.charCodeAt(0) + i));  //      48

		this._states.push('KEY_BACKSPACE', 8);
		this._states.push('KEY_TAB', 9);
		this._states.push('KEY_ENTER', 13);
		this._states.push('KEY_SHIFT', 16);
		this._states.push('KEY_CTRL', 17);
		this._states.push('KEY_ALT', 18);
		this._states.push('KEY_PAUSE', 19);
		this._states.push('KEY_CAPSLOCK', 20);
		this._states.push('KEY_ESC', 27);
		this._states.push('KEY_SPACE', 32);
		this._states.push('KEY_PAGE_UP', 33);
		this._states.push('KEY_PAGE_DOWN', 34);
		this._states.push('KEY_END', 35);
		this._states.push('KEY_HOME', 36);
		this._states.push('KEY_LEFT', 37);
		this._states.push('KEY_UP', 38);
		this._states.push('KEY_RIGHT', 39);
		this._states.push('KEY_DOWN', 40);
		this._states.push('KEY_INSERT', 45);
		this._states.push('KEY_DELETE', 46);
		this._states.push('KEY_NUMLOCK', 144);

		for (i = 0, len = this._states.length; i < len; i++) {
			this._values[i] = KeyboardInput.KEY_RELEASED;
			this._oldValues[i] = KeyboardInput.KEY_RELEASED;

		target.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown.bind(this), false);
		target.addEventListener("keyup", this._onKeyUp.bind(this), false);

	inherit(KeyboardInput, EventProvider);

	 * Represent a key pressed state
	 * @property {Boolean} KEY_PRESSED
	 * @static
	 * @readonly
	KeyboardInput.KEY_PRESSED = true;

	 *Represent a key released state
	 * @property {Boolean} KEY_RELEASED
	 * @static
	 * @readonly
	KeyboardInput.KEY_RELEASED = false;

	 * return the EventProvider type.
	 * @method getType
	 * @return {String}     "KEYBOARD"
	KeyboardInput.prototype.getType = function() {
		return "KEYBOARD";

	 * Called when a key is pressed.
	 * @method _onKeyDown
	 * @param {KeyboardEvent}  event
	 * @private
	KeyboardInput.prototype._onKeyDown = function(event) {
		this._modifyState(this._getAssociatedEvent(event), KeyboardInput.KEY_PRESSED);

	 * Called when a key is released.
	 * @method _onKeyUp
	 * @param {KeyboardEvent}  event
	 * @private
	KeyboardInput.prototype._onKeyUp = function(event) {
		this._modifyState(this._getAssociatedEvent(event), KeyboardInput.KEY_RELEASED);

	 * search a state corresponding to the event object
	 * @method _getAssociatedEvent
	 * @param {KeyboardEvent}   event
	 * @return {String|null}    name of state changed. null if no state is found.
	 * @private
	KeyboardInput.prototype._getAssociatedEvent = function(event) {
		if (event.keyCode >= 'A'.charCodeAt(0) && event.keyCode <= 'Z'.charCodeAt(0)) {
			return 'KEY_' + String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);

		if (event.keyCode >= '0'.charCodeAt(0) && event.keyCode <= '9'.charCodeAt(0)) {
			return 'KEY_' + String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);

		if (event.keyCode >= 112 && event.keyCode < 124) {
			return 'KEY_F' + String.fromCharCode(111 - event.keyCode);

		switch (event.keyCode) {
			case 8:
				return 'KEY_BACKSPACE';
			case 9:
				return 'KEY_TAB';
			case 13:
				return 'KEY_ENTER';
			case 16:
				return 'KEY_SHIFT';
			case 17:
				return 'KEY_CTRL';
			case 18:
				return 'KEY_ALT';
			case 19:
				return 'KEY_PAUSE';
			case 20:
				return 'KEY_CAPSLOCK';
			case 27:
				return 'KEY_ESC';
			case 32:
				return 'KEY_SPACE';
			case 33:
				return 'KEY_PAGE_UP';
			case 34:
				return 'KEY_PAGE_DOWN';
			case 36:
				return 'KEY_HOME';
			case 37:
				return 'KEY_LEFT';
			case 38:
				return 'KEY_UP';
			case 39:
				return 'KEY_RIGHT';
			case 40:
				return 'KEY_DOWN';
			case 45:
				return 'KEY_INSERT';
			case 46:
				return 'KEY_DELETE';
			case 144:
				return 'KEY_NUMLOCK';
				return null;

	TW.Event.KeyboardInput = KeyboardInput;
	return KeyboardInput;